Rubber Meets the Road

This is the critical point where an organization puts forward a public face for the world to see, and hopefully embrace. It is quite literally Showtime.

Public Debates

Coalition members have set the stage and determined the policy platform to be debated, perhaps even running the debates with donated support from media and other corporate sponsors seeking the public relations benefit for their contribution to the common good.

Negotiations have helped determine who ends up on the debate stage and what issues are going to be discussed.

By this time the blocs have negotiated their best candidates to put forward and organized around their chosen policy priorities. This is their chance to gain political clout with the PEOPLE by addressing their needs and material concerns.

Eventually culminating in a primary vote to select which candidate best exemplifies the organization going into the general election.


The organization should also take stock of public reaction to these debates and let them serve as a bellwether for how well it actually represents the PEOPLE. This should be a constant process which informs all aspects of the organization, from policy focus to affinity group outreach in order to avoid the navel gazing phenomenon.

This effort could take on various forms: In real time -- hosting watch parties and conducting exit polling, audience reaction monitoring, or monitoring of social media. After the fact -- conducting polling, or sponsoring town halls to discuss and hear from the PEOPLE. The more input and feedback the better.