Outside the organization, there are many groups already hard at work to identify and support candidates to run for public office all up and down the various levels of government. These groups may even have candidates competing for the same office.
What the umbrella organization can bring to the table is a common framework for negotiations to take place among these various factions or blocs. It can also offer and independent vetting process, leading to an endorsement, and all the political clout that may bring with it in the minds of the electorate heading into the debates.
The organization would provide the tools and a working environment where support can be traded so that the best candidates for a particular office, at a particular time, can be found in order to best further the objectives of the overall organization.
This might involve switching a candidate to run for a different office or trading support for that candidate at a latter time with support for another candidate at this time. Some of the policy planks may be more urgent to one group, while other planks may be of secondary import... these too can be traded.
All negotiations would be transparent to every other member party to the organization and promises made could be recorded in various ways, all the way up to and perhaps including a legally binding contract.
In this way a consensus can be built underneath a given candidate for a given office to strengthen their candidacy, clarify their positions, and ultimately get them elected to do the will of the people.
Adding Value
Below are some groups and/or parties with identified candidates and whose policies tend to align with that of the umbrella organization's platform. They would each be contacted and folded in, if they see it to be value added for them to do so.
[ each of these opens a new tab ➹ ]
There are also groups which do not put forward candidates, but never the less hold sway and influence among the groups that do. These coalition groups could also participate in the bloc "marketplace".